L25.21 Sageslayer Ash-Ulkal

A deceased Hero of Ninur-Sin who once held the Throne of Glass. Twin brother of Ash-Bezil.

His symbol was the winged bearded manticore with a crown of horns, entangled in grass, holding Sicklesword and Fire in both claws.

Ash-Ulkal was particularly known for his love for war and conquest in contrast to his more diplomatic brother, and saw the largest increase in territory of Ninur-Sin as he invaded Lal-Mittic lands.

He is remembered by his title Sageslayer, for his heroic feat of slaying 3 of the venerable Archsages of Lal-Mit in the earth shaking Battle of Dates, after which he only survived a month longer before succumbing to a vile curse placed upon his body, which was said to have forced his soul to be removed from his body.

While the battle was long past, considerable numbers of historians continue to bear this grudge in spite of gradually improving relations between the two polities as of late.

Ash-Ulkal's throne was succeeded by his wife, Mir-Elesh, Heroine of Light who rules over his lands to this day.


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