L25.14 Sicklesword

One of the main weapons commonly found throughout Ulrunir, carried mainly by nobles or warriors of high status as a symbol of command.

The first Sicklesword was said to be first created by the Heroic Farmer Kaga-Sumsir, one of the precursor heroes who brought salvation and hope to the commonfolk against the Flood Sorcerers who enslaved the pets of the ascended Deities to lay destruction across all of Ulrunir.

Frustrated at having his barley ruined time and time again, he reforged, with the flames of his fury, the broken sickles found in areas of ruin, trampled by the Beasts of the Flood, into the Precursor Sicklesword, which could cut the flesh of the beasts as sickles reaped barley.

And after the First War of Salvation, much of the ways of Sicklesword forging had spread across the land.


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