L25.12 Plume-headed Hamster

The most popular in the domain of Ninur-Sin. The Plume-headed Hamster is highly sought after by peoples of all walks of life. The lowest strata often, Plume headed Hamsters are employed in hamster-fighting and gambling, while higher strata often collect rare-plumed hamsters and teach various tricks to them. They are also rumored to be used by sorcerers as spies. 

The popularity of the Plume-headed hamster is so high that other polities use the Hamster as a caricature of the peoples of Ninur-Sin - and sometimes as an insult which to some may be of considerable annoyance but to others may also be of pride.

Still, it is known that other polities search high and low across Ninur-sin, hoping to find hamsters of rare plume, which can fetch exorbitant prices to the right buyer. Further, some of the wealthy are even willing to spend large sums of gold to purchase various hamster-grooming products and some have even hired architects to build diorama homes for their prized hamsters, which is often used as a sign of extremely high accomplishment - especially among the mercantile societies.


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