L25.1 Gimil-sir, Grand Stair-city

The first of the Grand Stair-cities of the Ninur-Sit, the Covenant of Heroes. Ruled by the Ancient See, a title given to a hero elected by the Heroic Covenant to administer the most ancient regions of Ninur-Sit.

While many of the new peoples of Ninur-sit have moved to the more properous sections of Musulsudu - Joined Cities of the Mace-holding Serpent, the Gimil-sir remains the font of culture due to its abundance ancient architecture that traces all the way to before the formation of the Nine Polities. 

Gimil-sir is split into 3 strata, the lowest being the Ancient City, made of unfired clay, sat in large depression, where one can still see some structures built at during the Age of Deities, flooded in the waters of the Ancient Deluge, occupied only by loreseekers, mystics, healers and the terminally ill.

The middle stratum, lies on fertile swampland, is the Thresher's City, where all manner of grain from all homesteads of the lands of Ninur-Sit are gathered and threshed through the tonal magics of Choirs of Threshing, drawing the fruits of granstalks into bags of hemp to be delivered by bull-driven wagons to the upper stratum.

The upper stratum - built on colossal steps - is the Merchant City Kun-Musulsudu, the "Tail of the Mace-holding Serpent", the first section of the Joined Cities of the Mace-holding Serpent. Where many caravans exchange goods from foreign lands, and travellers stock supplies for their journeys.

At the tail, one may travel towards the High Canal, north to the other parts of Musulsudu, or forge to the Untamed Deltas further south to the Southern Wilds - untouched by gifts of Ulruniri deities.


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