L24.356 Root-toe

 A folk deity of medicine of the underbark spiderkin. Root-toe is often depicted in clay statues as a corpulent, gentle-looking fatherly spiderkin with its 8 legs split at the ends much like a tree's roots. According to folklore, Root-toe was the first to discover t he properties of various herbs and mushrooms growing in the underbark long before the time of even the Crab-Riders. 

It is said that he tasted all manner of poisons and managed to determine the amount needed for such poisons to work as medicine.

But it is said his undoing was his great curiousity, and he ate the mythical shattershroom, which tore his legs apart and left him incapacitated until his passing. Yet even as he was immobile, he ensured all herbal lore he discovered was recorded into the Dark-herb Annals, which is mandatory reading for all spiderkin physicians.


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