D24.363 Rhizome of Dark - Prison of Uzutai, Khan of Aromas

An infernal demiplane that contains the Rhizome of Dark, one the 7 ancient, transcendent arcane nodes responsible for creating the Rootwall which barred the Dwarves of Craagveald from delving deeper.

The demiplane contains a vast, towering forest of extremely aromatic mushrooms connected to one another with platforms of sandalwood which emit distinctive scents which may cause creatures with heightened senses of smell to enter a sensory overload and randomly become incapacitated for a few seconds.

Everything in the demiplane is also plunged in a impregnable darkness that consumes all light and even limits darkvision to only a 5ft diameter around a creature. Only the crystallised light from the Rhizome of Light or powers stolen from the other Rhizome are able to pierce through the light - alongside other forms of True Vision, Spritisight, echolocation, or psychic senses.

The platforms and bridges are in extremely poor condition, and may randomly break, causing creatures to fall into a sea of dark mud below which overwhelms creatures with torpor and may cause loss of consciousness.

All bridges lead to a central rickety platform, where the Rhizome of Darkness stands alongside a simple yurt, and a pen of yaks feasting on a small pasture of Darkgrass.

Inside the yurt rests the Khan of Aromas Uzutai rests at the underside of - upside down, under the platform enjoying yak's butter tea.

Uzutai will invite any visitors for tea, which is extremely invigorating and delicious, and lessens the impact of the overwhelming aromas in the demiplane, and will answer any questions the visitor has to the best of his ability.

He will reveal his intentions to just lead a simple life and enjoy tea, but he refuses to destroy the Rhizome, as it preserves his consciousness which he does not want to extinguish before he tastes a tea that surpasses the tea he has brewed.

Should a visitor get aggressive, he will manifest dark aroma apparitions, which are able to manifest from within any creatures lungs, slaying them from within.

Should a visitor somehow manage to create a transcendental brew, he will take his own life, thereby destroying the Rhizome.

Inside his yurt contains numerous treasures from other challengers, including priceless tea recepies worth millions of gold.


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