D24.355 Divine Scab

 A devastated ruin 700ft in diameter across the middle of which is a large gash covered with what appears to be a golden scab. The scab is guarded by 5d6 divine ghosts that will attack any creature that comes too close. The scab can only be harmed by tools made of legendary material, dipped in the venom of 5 different specific creatures - the identities of which are revealed in a small booklet with a green cover and a white triangle placed in a random library in the dungeon complex. The combination changes depending on which parallel universe one resides in.

The scab itself flakes, and these flakes may be used to coat some objects, granting them invulnerability to lesser ways of harm. Should one dig beyond 5 feet, one will be able to draw out divine blood. Which may be consumed by one who has attained some measure of divinity to ascend to the next stage of divinity.

Should one with no divinity consume it, their body and soul will become scorched with holy fire for up to an hour.


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