An extremely windy mountain range. Small creatures with inadequate footing may be blown off balance. Occasionally one hears the croaking chorus of distant herds of wooly toads and the cawing of crafty Crowdragons who roost and nest in the shadow of the dark blue peaks the cut the welkin like a jagged wound. The terrain is extremely steep and precarious. It takes 3 days to cross the mountain range on foot with adequate mountain gear. Experienced riders of mountain goats may take 2 days. Encounters Roll 1d6 Encounter 1 Flock of 2d6+2 Young Crowdragons 2 Stampede of Giant Wooly Toads. Receive 3d6+42 bludgeoning damage on failure to evade the stampede. 3 Crowdragon nest with 1d6 Crowdragon eggs and 1d6 Crowdragon hatchlings. Roll 1d6 again - if roll is <3, 1 Adult Crowdragon returns to the nest. Nest also has a hoard of gems worth 2d6 * 1000 gp , a random set of +2 armor worn by a skeleton of a fallen veteran adventurer. 4 Toad Herd-wizard - Wizard HD8 ri...
#Lore24 Complete! Congratulations to all who made it through! It was an extremely productive challenge which I think I will continue for many years to come! Let's go #Lore25 !! Here are the top 10 starred lore fragments. I plan to draw some art of them tomorrow. Interestingly, most of them were at the start, where many were very motivated. But alas, things died down past the 1st quarter but I'm glad for my Crimson Nest and Mistberry which made it in to top 10 (albeit many others had at least 2 stars). A total of 125 stars were lit in the world of #Calamupa . Top 10 starred lore fragments: 5: Saltbreather Chameel 15: League of Cranes 3: Sanlef Stoma 23: Xhumect of Twenty Twigs 14: Bushelbeast 10: Krurumes, City of Violet 7: Scintrose The Jadestar Cult 347: The Crimson Nest 345: Mistberry Out of all the lore items, these are my personal top 10: 88: Kernelthief 23: Xhumect of Twenty Twigs 117: Seedshard Weldgrund 20: Slugrarion, Arm of Five Eyes 17: Grand Pollen Dryrmand 31: U...
Skilled riders of nimble Chameleons capable of adhereing the the stalks and leaves of Qelerian plants. They wield large halberds forged from Bramber, sheperd and reap the herds of Frogstock that make the same plants their pasture. While some prefer a bucolic life of herding Frogstock in groups of three to five, there are a few in who build a much greater kinship with their Chamelons, and are capable of blending into the environment. These master riders seek larger prey from hunting Mudtoads at the lower strata of the Stalks.
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