D24.315 Thahalin's Throneroom
The Throneroom of the Arcane King Thahalin. 120x80ft in size, the room is made of masterfully shaped bismuth bronze plates shaped as hexagonal tiles.
A crimson carpet leads up to the wondrous multicolored throne where the skeleton of the dwarf that was once the Arcane King lies. The skeleton is adorned with numerous magical jewelry and an opulent robe made from threads of adamantine.
Planted on three points of in a 40ft diameter arc from the skeleton are three magical sword planted on the ground that forms a triangular barrier, barring access to the throne.
Only one who is perfectly lawful, chaotic and neutral may be able to pull out each of the swords respectively.
The swords are enchanted with the powers of alignment, and are able to create slash projections that destroy creatures or barriers of other alignments.
Upon withdrawing the swords, Thahalin will begin to awaken and slowly start to stealthily regenerate his body.
Contrary to expectations the jewelry he wears is bound to his soul, and are able to act on his command every when removed from him, though they severely damage him when struck or destroyed.
As such, Thahalin will play dead until all creatures leave before teleporting himself into a random location elsewhere in the dungeon.
Thereafter, he will recover his strength and will begin amassing his forces on secret elsewhere after 2d6 months.
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