D24.307 Sand Carpet

A large cavern spanning 300ft x 600ft. Across the gound spans an arced carpet of sand around 5ft thick, below which is an extremely deep pit leading to magma. There are no creatures in this cavern. Upon the sand carpet is drawn numerous strange linear symbols, but it appears incomplete. One extremely learned in the arcane arts may be able to glean the enchantment insights in these symbols after around 2 hours, which reveals the nature of the carpet being that of levitation.

One may complete the enchantment should one know the principles behind it, after which it allows one to create up to 2 flying carpets out of sand, which may manifest and dissipate at will, and also change it size up to 300 x 600ft.

While it cannot be destroyed, holes may open in the carpet when struck with enough force, but they are closed after 12 seconds.


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