L24.270 Glass Manteaus of Uluir

Remnanats of the wing of a demigod Mantis Uluiur said to have been split into 360 fragments. The Mantis Uluiur was said to have reigned supreme through her transcendant knowledge of the principle of Cutting, and was said to be able to cut any location within 500 leagues of her by mere thought alone. Though ultimately her existence was ended by the joint efforts of other Mantises and the Crab riders - who buried her within the ancient Warped Qeleres which was sundered and now compose most of the disembodied bark that now floats within the Anthre.

The Glass Manteaus formed from her wings are said to bestow part of that transcendant understanding of cutting, and a desparately sought after by all experts of the blade. When one is discovered, an age of great strife and slaughter can be foretold.


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