D24.261 Ascendant Library of Glass

A highly glaring library octagonal in shape 500ft in diameter completely made of impeccably crafted glass.

There are numerous clusters of octagonal floating tiles made of opaque glass carrying 30ft tall bookshelves also made of multicolored translucent glass, carrying many tomes and scrolls made of glass.

Inscribed in these books are eldritch lore incomprehensible to those with high intelligence and only the insane and mentally impaired are capable of gleaning meaning from the books. To those able to understand, it takes at least 50 years to grasp their secrets, which will raise intelligence vastly equivalent to 200 years of study.

Due to the forbidden nature of these books, learning too much from them may cause the reader to be targeted by various divine entities who may forcefully cause the reader to be removed from the world.

At the highest cluster seats Vhdumu, Vizier of Glass, an immortal human whose flesh seems to be made partly of glass, and sand. She wears a distinctively huge turban 10ft in diameter which bears the appearance of a crystalline slug coiling on her head.

Swirling inside this crystal slug turban are darkly glittering specks that seems to emerge from her very long white hair which is visible through the slug turban.

Vhdumu does not speak and will ignore any nearby creatures, but the slug will cast a variety of quiet offensive spells from far distances to keep creatures away.

Should the turban be forcefully removed, Vhdumu's eyes will suddenly glow very bright and she will curse the creature responsible before vanishing in a pillar of light.

The turban bestows the effect of intelligence dampening, allowing the crystal slug that composes it to cast a variety of powerful spells in the wearer's stead, and allows one's intelligence to be obscured from higher powers.


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