D24.260 Hall of Vile Trance

A terrifying prison made completely of entwined steel cables that give off the likeness of cavorting maggots. The prison smells of extremely strong incense that strangely emanates from each cable.

This scent is extremely dreadful to all creatures and greatly lowers one's ability to think and only automatons or creatures unable to smell may have some resistance.

After a minute of being in the hall, the scent will begin to cause extremely realistic hallucinations that all give the illusion of one rapidly increasing in power, without having actually gained such power, but may potentially enlighten one to strange wisdom consequently.

When one is taken by hallucination for more than 5 minutes, it becomes impossible to leave the room and one's soul is absorbed by the steel cables.

Should one be skilled enough to harvest part of the steel cable, it can fetch a ridiculous price to the right buyer.


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