D24.249 Wave Chamber

A meticulously constructed chamber 300x200ft in size made completely 2 inch sided galena blocks.

When a creature steps into the chamber, or a loud sound is made, a ripple forms among the blocks which extrude in a waveform pattern, mimicking that of rippling water. 

But unlike water, the waveform persists across to the walls and along the ceiling, and slowly grow in amplitude.

Every 30 seconds causes the waveform grow 5ft in size, and will serve as a moving obstacle, painfully knocking creatures in it's way, dealing more damage as time passes.

Only an accomplished mage or bard learned in harmonics may know how to counteract the waveforms, and may also be able to determine the sound amplifying properties of the blocks of galena, which may only be removed by one skilled in Dwarven engineering after at least 1 hour of work.


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