L24.142 Shaderealm

 Excerpt from Curiosities of the Spoke 21st Edition - Index S, by Loremaiden Ylushed of Cirvahn

"Shaderealm - an extremely rare phenomenon where concentrated darkness allows the creation of realms beyond the Spoke. It is currently not known how Shaderealms are created, and only those the size of small pouches have been found through the use of Dhirvian slip-realms - the size of a small slip of bark - which are only able to store small objects such as talins of ancient Dhirvian currency, or tiny keys. 

"According to restored Dhirvian texts, sacred temples would store their relics in such Shaderealms, but the means of accessing them are unknown to this day. Many  Shadowmancers of this day have tried to replicate the creation of Shaderealms by studying Dhirvian slip-realms, but only theoretical musings have surfaced so far."


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