D24.142 Favulin's Wall

 A plain brick wall of clay 30ft in length, 1ft thick, and 60ft in height stands at the center of a cavern 200ft in diameter. When a creature stands before the wall, an immense vortex begins pulling creatures to the wall, threatening a painful collision. A creature sufficiently strong or attuned to magics may find a way to resist the vortex, which relents after 1 minute, after which it will not activate again after an hour.

Contrary to what one would expect, the wall is actually a sophisticated portal which allows a creature to travel to any part in the dungeon that he has visited before and is able to imagine it before collision with the wall. However, due to the age of the portal, roll 1d6. On a 1, it brings creatures to a random location with some similar properties to the location visualised. Furthermore, the portal will be unable to transport creatures to areas in the dungeon that are heavily protected with anti-spatial magics.


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