L24.97 Gethrhec, Demigod of Passion

 A colossal beetle demigod worshipped by the Khaimerian Theocracy the home of Harmonic Thaumaturgy. Located on the sweltering Shivering Sprig, the Khaimerian Theocracy is home to swarthy, industrious Harmonic Thaumaturges who command sound through their dances and unique wings that grow along their limbs with which they conjure tonal energies that conjure arcane phenomena upon reaching resonance. 

The Khaimerians are united under devout worship of Gethrhec, Demigod of Passion who dwells in the gargantuan Underprism - a pyramid shaped depression carved deep in the underbark of the the sprig. Only the most sacred of Singers - the name of their priestly sages - are allowed entry. Yet few of the Singers dare roam deep, for even the deaf are incapable of withstanding the divine harmony that Gethrhec sings - charged with power so great both body and mind may be shattered if too near to the source of sound.

Gethrhec's cacophonic etude emerges from deep beneath, charging the sprig with tonal energies, which wards resplendence, earning Khaimeria the title as one of the safest sprigs upon the Supple Qeleres.


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