L24.117 Seedshard Weldgrund

One of the shards of the Nine Halberds of Yhrangron manifested by Yhrangron, Warmistress of Flight who was slain by the combined efforts of Eilveen the Nimblemind, Branchweaver Wahlasaen and Flintlord Ulvenhardt during the Battle of Dandelions.

Despite the death of its creator, the Nine Halberds, imbued with much of Kernel Alhaklutaea's power were said to have become partially sentient, and during the attempt to destroy the Nine Halberds, a number broken shards of various sizes gained full sentience and fled.

Weldgrund orbits about the Ghaland Sprigswath, a collection of sprigs along the font of Powderspring Piltheg, where it releases showers of Lividseed which taint the bark with a blue hue and cause all flora to spawn violent metallic shardspawn that attack travellers and small settlements.


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