D24.96 Manor Aalvulin

 A restored opulent guest manor constrcuted of marvellously smoothed, sculpted and polished diorite. Entry within is by two finely crafted tall gates of silversteel above which the words "Manor Aalvulin" are shaped in highly decorative dwarven runes. 

The manor is run by the well-mannered, lawful human vampire Treadloch who will offer fine lodging and repast for a minimum price of 40gp or 20 vials of fresh blood.

Due to the nature of the customers residing in the manor, most of the rooms are furnished with those intended for undead - such as velvet cushioned coffins, and the most food are mostly comprise varieties for undead such as blood, brains and bones.

The manor is able to accomodate living creatures as it is situated next to an underground lake from which a spread of finely prepared stygofauna are on the menu, and rooms furnished with furniture meant for its previous guests are available.

In the manor's common room, one may find highly experienced and wealthy travellers who may be open to join others on their journey or quest, for a period of time - or may even offer jobs of their own.


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