D24.101 Vilemourn's Gaol

An extremely humid room 90ft in diameter. The room is filled with a noxious fog that paralyzes and poisons those with insufficient constitution. 

The source of the fog appears to be a mass of dwarf bones intertwined with snaking branches and vines of an orange tree - an undead treant that takes the form of a large elf which sits in the middle of the room.

The treant when spoken to will respond politely but in a highly sarcastic and passively insulting manner unless spoken to by an elf. 

If convinced to speak, the treant will introduce himself as Spirit Lord Fendvyrn and share the happenings that led to his imprisonment by the mad Runelords of Craagveald who summoned him and sought to use his spirit to eradicate the Underbramble left by the Ancients that barred access deeper into the Earth. 

Fendvyrn managed to break free from their restrictions leading to a 2 year long escapade that ended in his imprisonment through forbidden necrospatial magics and the deaths of almost 500 dwarven warriors and magic users.

Fendvyrn will offer to share secrets of Craagveald depths in exchange for finding documents on how to free his soul bound to the prison, and may even offer to lend some assistance if freed. 

If attacked, he will retaliate with vicious fury.


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