Monster of the Day - 0003 Chanticleer-man skeleton

Chanticleer-man skeleton

An extinct race of men with features of the jungle pheasant. They are said to have been a race of wise men who had come from the northeast, past the sea of Suk'goar, and brought with them their religion and ways of building by carving out rock – which have all been forgotten by the people of Suk'goar. It is not known what happened to the Chanticleer-men, and the only remnants of their former presence are their now ruined rock-carved temples, cities, and the speechless bones reanimated by the perverse hexes of powerful Begu of forlorn Datu.

HD 4+1,  AC 8,  ATK# 1 , MR 120, ML 10, NE 1d6, NL 1d6 x 3, T: (A)

Finally started working on my original setting book which I'm calling Suk'goar. I have around 3000 words written now, and so far I have most of the adventures locales planned out and some general lore alongside a few entries in the Bestiary. I plan to draw all of the artwork on my own so when more progress is made I'll share it on the blog.


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