Monster of the Day - 0002 Redriver Lifescorcher

Redriver Lifescorcher

Female tribal warriors from Redriver. Their blood red hair flows from their animal jawbone made forehead protector, giving them their name. Often armed with two menacing backswords made of the shoulder blade of a giant iguana. They can borrow power from their God using their vertebra talismans which blesses those who sacrifice the blood of creatures to Her. Often armored in tiny pieces of iguana leather alongside plates of bone tied together with sinew. They usually appear in groups of 3.

Type: Human
BEA: Mid - Oddly Weak, ABL: Hi - Roughly Powerful, STR: Hi - Roughly Powerful, SPI: Hi - Amusing Inside
BEA: 3, ABL: 7, STR: 6, SPI: 6
Armour: 4 (Bone, [-VS:Bludg] )
HP: 12, FC: 14, MP: 12
Faith 40, Sword 50, Dodge 50
Bone Backsword (x2): (Slsh) 1d6 damage, 1 GP
Bone Catalyst [1d6]: D30, 1 GP


Bloodbath Rush: Ci, Li, D50, FC 4 {Strikes 3 times to all creatures adjacent}
Visceral Antlers: Ci Lf, D55, FC5 {One off FC use, Deal double damage for regular attacks if weapon is on both hands}


Bloodlust: (Faith, Self) C6s, Lf, D40, MP5, [! G, I, Covered in Blood]
{Advantage against stun, +5 Temporary HP, Disadvantaged Dodge, Advantaged Attack}


Slsh: Slashing damage, GP: Gold pieces, Ci: Instantaneous Casting, Lf: Focus based spell length (duration), MP: Magic Points, FC: Focus, [! ...]: Required components, [! G]: Gesture Required, [! I]: Incantation Required, [! Material]: Material Required


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