Monster of the Day - 0001 Alabaster Mummy

Alabaster Mummy

A strange humanoid mummy encased in alabaster stone. Looks like a sculpture that even has its hair sculpted, but is covered in neat, fine scented bandages of silk. The mummy's features look clean, regal and well proportioned. It moves as though its stone limbs were flesh, and exudes a draining aura. These mummies often wear a single accessory that is made of bright silver.

Type: Undead
BEA: Hi - Clean, Perfectly Mature, ABL: Mid - Nicely, STR: Hi - Strong, SPI: Very Hi- Oppress Tranquil Reality
BEA: 6, ABL: 3, STR: 6, SPI: 12
Armour: 41 (Stone, Bandages, [+VS:Slsh,Thrs], [-VS:Bludg] )
HP: 12, FC: 6, MP: 24
Faith 75, Pugilism 70, Alchemy 50
Stone Fists: (Bludg) 1d6 damage
Cursed Catalyst [1d6]: D60, 40 GP, Curse -5 SPI for non-Undead only


Horse Stance: Ci, Lf, D50, FC 1 {Advantage against takedowns, grapples}
Rising Carp: Ci Li, D55, FC2 {+2d4 damage, Stun 1 turn VS FC}


Dispelling Aura: (Faith, 10m AoE) C6s, Lf, R10md, D70, MP5, [! G, I, Void Crystal]
{Dispels all magical manifestations below D40 in its range}
Alabaster Pillar: (Alchemy, Adjacent) C6s, R5m, D50, MP 2, [! G, Alabaster Stone]
{Conjures a single pillar of alabaster from the ground}

Slsh: Slashing damage, Thrs: Thrusting damage, Bludg: Bludgeoning damage, GP: Gold pieces, Ci: Instantaneous Casting, Lf: Focus based spell length (duration), MP: Magic Points, FC: Focus, R5m: 5 meters Range, R10md: 10 meter diameter Range, [! …]: Required components, [! G]: Gesture Required, [! I]: Incantation Required, [! Material]: Material Required, AoE: Area of Effect, Adjacent: Affects adjacent cells.


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