
Showing posts from February, 2024

D24.59 Library of Dogs

A small library 200x40ft in size. The walls are of pale feldspar. On which bookshelves are carved. The books in the library are in various states on ruin, and some ripped apart are in the mouths of the numerous petrified dogs that dot parts of the library. Upon searching the library roll 1d6. On a 1, a book becomes animated and unpetrifies 1d6 dogs, who are aggressive. On a 6, the book contains a spell capable of petrifying canine creatures for 1d6 turns. This search can only be done once.

L24.59 Yeron, Swamp of Shadow Oils

A swamp unique only to Xalaman, the Fallen Sprig, where all manner of rotten beasts emerge. It is said a great war of deific forces resulted in the collapse of a Sprig the base of which now forms the Xilthaeus Plateau.  Deep in the centre of the site of fall is a vast moor of darkness formed from the condensation of the rotted essence of the Qeleres which took form as oils of multiple shades of dark.   The swamp is home to numerous hard moss clumps that tower in treacherous spires alongside the shattered ruins of the civilisation's which once flourished in Xalaman in a bygone era.

D24.58 Sparklake Bridges

A series of bridges connecting calligraphic islands of grey clay paved with hexagonal tiles. Around the islands flows a an arcing river of blinding lightning filled with magical energy. The bridges are blocked by aggressive psychic quicksilver snails capable of harnessing the minor electric charge in the air to redirect to their prey for 1 damage, though these snails are very weak to condensed lightning, and receive double damage from it. Their amorphous flesh dampens physical blows, halving their damage.

L24.58 Meloneye Andovis

A tyrant of ancient times. Said to possess an odd eye with markings of a striped melon, Andovis through the war that wracked the region of Pallas Sprig, gathered a warband of 30 who swept the lands with great ferocity that she became known as the Fierce Lord of Pallas. Yet at the height of her power she was betrayed by her companions as her summer palace was to burned from the darkflame ignited by the army of her general Wendas the Silver Clawed.

D24.57 Prismatic Workshop

A 300x300ft room. The polished bronze walls converge to a central point 200ft above which is fit by a prism shining bright white. Numerous workbenches of dark stone are arranged neatly on which numerous fabrics stained black are placed alongside translucent prisms of various quality of make and dishes containing fine reflective powder of meteoric sand. Prisms of good make are capable of diffusing energy rays to be half as effective.

L24.57 Huskmind

The red fibre husked fruit of a tall sorrell of cyan leaves. Through its husk lies a white coral-like flesh similar in appearance to a brain. Rumored to have been used by an eradicated tribe who used them as magical focuses capable of trapping the minds of various creatures. Alas all records of such arts are lost to time.

D24.56 Butcher's Throne

A 60x200ft room. The walls are of Alabaster enchanted with curses of Cold, the walls and ceiling are of hexagonal marble flagstone. Hanging from the ceiling are numerous meat hooks holding large haunches of meat encased in frost which partially obscure a meaning throne of meat hooks on which a skeletal dwarf seats with a scepter bearing three cleaver blades. When disturbed the skeleton animates and attacks. When the scepter strikes a haunch of meat, the meat becomes animated and serves the attack and defend alongside the skeleton.

L24.56 Chanticleerite

Known by the name Roostersteel, it is found in rare ore clusters deep in the underbark. Said to be the remains of a primordial rooster's sacred bones, instruments fashioned from it produce a clear resonance unparalleled. When fashioned into arms, when it meets other metals it may cause them to vibrate uncontrollably.

D24.55 Vault of Obsidian Bricks

A 40x300ft room made entirely of red steel. Shelves and drawers line all sides of the room except the ceiling on which hangs glass orbs containing thaumaturgic light. Inside each drawer are 1d6 bars of refined obisidian the shape of a brick. A large brass scale stands in the middle of the room.

L24.55 Clarieel

A strange creature found in the depths of the grainsea. With sacles of brass it swims in the grainsea in schools of hundreds, singing in unision with the voices of brass instruments. When threatened, their chorus rips across the grainsea, causing creatures in their way to undulate and explode from within. Despite the dangers, many a graindiver delve to catch one for their flesh is exquisite and their galls are prized by many tincturers for their unique properties of sound.

D24.54 Luximatel's Study

A 50x100ft room. The long walls are of quartz shaped as bookshelves containing numerous scrolls and spellbooks in elvish. All books are enchanted with a curse that makes the reader of the books' skin shine permanently with blinding light that shines up to 30ft around it. The book themselves contain 1d6 spells of 1d6 spell level, while scrolls contain a spell of 2d6 spell level. The curse can be avoided by reading the book or scrolls while seated at a black throne at the far end of the room which emanates an evil aura of darkness.

L24.54 Grain

One of the Three Needs of all creatures required to sustain life in the Spoke. The Five Grains were said to be born of the flesh of the Red Tree which mixed with the belly-rivers of the Five Outerbeetles who were poisoned by its flesh, shattering their god-souls into filigrees imbued with the essences of Hunger, Thirst, Covetousness, Longing and Sanctimony. And from the vicissitudes of these essences was the Spoke was first shaped... A hot torus emerging from the frigid origin...

D24.53 Prawnmask Den

A 120ft x 300ft cavern of apatite. At the far end of the cavern are numerous emaciated dwarves wearing masks depicting the long whiskered countenance of prawns made of scintillating chrome. The prawnmask allows one to become satiated by light and bestows the ability of being able to predict the travel energy projectiles ahead of time. However, the wearer becomes cursed with madness and will attack anyone that it sees unless one is of crustacean ancestry.

L24.53 Webeater

A man sized gecko swaddled in scales of mirrorlight. One of the most dangerous creatures upon the Qeleres born of the Infernal Resplendence. It is capable of vanishing at will even in darkness and ones who are particularly long lived are capable of nearly completely mimicking the appearance of other creatures. It feeds on the webbed hearts of young spiderkin deep in the underbark... 

D24.52 Terrarium of Sponges

A round terrarium 300ft in diameter. The ground, walls and ceiling are covered in long tendrils made of sponge, which are able to reapidly absorb moisture around it. The closer one approaches it's center, the dryer the air becomes. The dried up corpse of a dwarf seats at the centre of the terrarium holding an enchanted shovel made of petrified wood capable of digging metals with ease.

L24.52 Chaffbreather Hummingbird

A colossal, corupulent scalebird native to the vast Grainsea. Feeding upon the deep fruits of the Grainsea with its long, corkscrew beak, is stores Grainsea chaff in its belly as fine dust capable of exciting energies in the air, breathing them on deadly beams of concentrated fragrance on its prey and enemies. Many beastmasters have attempted to tame the creature but to no avail.

D24.51 Agharzin's Crucible

A colossal ceramic bowl 300ft in diameter. Numerous residual salts line the small cracks in this large dish. It is home to 5d6 crystalline slimes that contain each contain an essence of a potent element. The potency and strength of each slime exponentially increases as one approaches the centre of the crucible where a small teaspoon worth of the Salt of Life may be obtained which when mixed with liquid and drunk, bestows the strange ability to create 1d6 living clone of oneself.

L24.51 Sacred Resin

Young deposits of resin found deep under the surface bark of each Qeleres. Sacred Resin is extremely toxic, but possesses a divine taste of savoriness unlike any other. In legend, Tincturelord Sekhlem proclaimed Sacred Resin to be the key to true immortality, and refined a pill with Sacred Resin, however before consumption it was stolen by a Scalecat, who suddenly began moulting. Alas, the pill recipe is lost in time and many tincturers strive to recreate the pill of legend.

D24.50 Curlhorn Pen

A large pen for the colossal Curlhorn Mammoths 400x500ft in size, 250ft in height. Alas, all curlhorns have long become deceased, leaving their large bones and glossy curled tusks. When powdered and burned Curlhorn tusks emit an irritant fog which has a low chance of turning creatures berserk.

L24.50 Fort Vynebryk

Fort of House Vynebryk, a clan of powerful Stomatamancers. Stomatamancy affords the power that manipulates the breath of plants across the Qeleres. By harmonisation of ones breath with those of nearby plants, one can exert significant control over the movement and form of various flora, the most impressive of which was the erection of a fort composed of wetvine which is Fort Vynebryk that has remained unconquered since it's creation 300 years ago.

D24.49 Magnirin's Furnace

A furnace chamber 120ft in diameter. At the center of which stands a darksteel furnace 40ft in diameter, towering 240ft into the slate ceiling. The furnace can only be lit and stoked by ores of magnesium, and is able to imbue metals forged within it with the power of blinding light. Whenever it is used, a fog of dark blows from the top of the furnace's chimney, obscuring it in magical darkness which grows over time as the furnace is used. The fog dissipates after a month.

L24.49 Holt Trigram

One of the mythical symbols of the Felahn Sect. Upon drawing the Trigram of dashes upon blue paper in the shape of a holt using Agalfly Ink, and pouring one's focus within, lesser branches may be conjured temporarily upon the surface of the bark, strong enough to penetrate stone.

D24.48 Head Sorting Room

A 300x400ft room. A large open pipe cuts across the room in which are pools of dust and metallic hammer heads of different material and quality. Stone stools and metalwoven baskets beset the open pipe in a messy manner. When a creature searches among the hammer heads, on a 1 it is animated and will attack the creature alongside 3 others until it is defeated.

L24.48 Fleshdrawer

A much despised insectoid. About the size of a cat the Fleshdrawer sports long pointed snout which is sharp enough to pierce flesh. It can fly and is extremely nimble. When pierced, the snout is able to draw out the literal flesh of the victim which it digests later causing it to grow larger. They hunt in terrifying swarms in the Snapweld Sprig of eternal winter. The particularly vicious fashion deadly claw weapons from their snouts.

D24.47 Floor of Fats

A colossal frying room 500x300ft in size and 300ft tall. It is filled in 100ft tall dark colored fats that have cooled and congealed into a slippery jelly like substance. The walls, floor and ceiling are of polished bronze. Suspended within the fat are the corpses of 2d6 giant scorpions. Under the floor is a coil that is used as a heating element. It is extremely conductive to heat magic and using part of it as a magical catalyst doubles the effectiveness of fire element spells.

L24.47 Tagant Hemisphere

An odd hemispherical formation along the bark of the Yandrun Sprig, first discovered by Yhrenuan adventurer Tagant. It reaches a diameter of 300 leagues. No plant grows upon it. It is said to have been created by an outsider of the Anthre who left its mark upon the Firm Qeleres while battling the heroes of old. The heretical Cult of the Void gathers at the Hemisphere to conduct its rituals hoping to succeed the powers of the unnamed Outsider.

D24.46 Blochgolde Manor Anteway

A 30x40ft anteway to the opulent Blochgolde Manor in the Greavesworn District of Higher Craagveald. The ceiling and walls are extravagantly carved with blockish motifs. The floor of plated gold is covered in the live bodies of colossal mealworms squirming in acid that tarnished metal. Any non magical metal objects that comes into contact with the mealworms' flesh will permanently lose effectiveness by 1.

L24.46 Flat headed Ant

A large ant the size of a cow, yet of a very flat physique, affording it access through many narrow crevices. It is able to pick and crush objects with its similarly flat but very sharp mandibles. Particularly in the Puderaea Region where soil is thick and dense, the Flat headed Ant forms large networks of flat caverns called ribbons, which lead to deposits of the strange Fleshstone with which they make repast.

D24.45 Den of Miniature Geckos

A 40x40ft cavern perfectly hewn as a cube space. The walls, made of gold ore veins, are carved with 10d6 tiny alcoves in which tiny thrones are carved, being sat on by pure gold figurines of crowned geckos. Upon touching a gecko, all geckos simultaneously fire small needles tipped with vicious venom straight ahead, and will do so again when touched until they have fired 1d6 volleys.

L24.45 Dustduct

Tall colossal pipes that meander about the surface of the Qeleres. Said to be of Darkbronze cast by the stem sections of skyvines, crafted by the ancient Dhirvians whose saw concentrated dust as a key to their civilisation - piping it in large amounts across leagues to their various struuctures and cities. Alas, much of it is now buried deep within layers of soil and bark - but those fortunate enough to find its bluish sheen deep in the underbark will surely be rewarded with the whereabouts of lost Dhirvian land and the treasures it accompanies...

D24.44 Snakemace Corridor

 A 30ft wide corridor that twists and turns for a minimum of 300ft. Every 30ft, are a pair of chert dwarven statues depicting dwarves wearing full plate armor, holding up a heater shield and a large mace with it's head depicting a clump of snakes. Every time a creature passes a statue, roll 1d6. On a 1, the clump of snakes leap from the mace's handle towards the creature assailing them with 5 poisonous attacks. After the attack, the stone snakes disintegrate into dust. Deft individuals may discover a way to procure the ball of stone snakes, which can be thrown at other creatures to produce the same effect.

L24.44 Steelreeds

A type of treacherous plains found in the Halflit Region of the Sullied Sprig. Interspersed by meandering lakes of vilebright are vast clusters of metallic reeds called Steelreeds that bear bladed fruits that cut at creatures that travel through them. It is said they blood shed by their blades fuel their growth, and travel across Steelreeds tinged in red is not advised. A much hated school of Sorrelmancy involves the control of Steelreeds, and all books describing such arts are strictly forbidden in the small civilised parts of Halflit such as Manathrag, the Hold of  the Amberbound King.

D24.43 Vault of Dead Armor

A 50ft x 30ft corridor beset by 10x10ft rooms every 10ft. The floor, walls and ceiling are of engraved, polished Erythrite which glows red from the ornate torches hung on the ceiling. Each room contains a complete suit of masterwork plate armor with the helmet bearing the face of a random underground creature. Each suit of armor is extremely cursed and will kill the creature upon wearing it, unless the creature is undead or posseses ancestry of the creature depicted by the plate armor's helmet, in which case it bestows healing that restores 1 HP per turn. 

L24.43 Acornhive

 Hive of the scaled cornfeeder birds. Build from a colossal Qeleracorn, the queen cornfeeder lays her eggs in the Throne nest which are distributed by worker birds to the hexagonal cells where they incubate and are fed by worker birds until they become capable of flight and cultivate the venom within their beaks. Acornhives are said to be home to numerous rare artefacts and treasures left behind by those slain in their obtain the Spit of the Cornfeeder Queen, which is said to be able to cure any illness and bestow great regenerative powers lasting for decades...

D24.42 Mudglass Apse

An 40ft x 50ft apse, part of the Clouded Cathedral. The apse is surrounded by dark clouds of mudmist that adheres to flesh and slows movement. The floor, walls and arched ceiling are carved from polished volcanic rock. The apse is occupied by 2d6 slumbering Fish-men wielding large ceremonial platinum maces who possess very strong platinum scales. When disturbed, they will awaken an attack those who awake them. 

L24.42 Batsnout Mask

A mask made in the shape of a coconut bat, a flying plant that takes the shape of a brown bat. When probably enchanted with the Scentfleeced Rite, it bestows its wearer aromasight, which allows the wearer to track various scents in the vicinity at will, typically up to a month before its abilities must be restored using the same ritual. Such masks originate from the tribal kingdoms of Shur Agam. along the Bulwagima Sprig which is rich in hotdew and home to a humid clime.

D24.41 Skeletal Druid's Hermitage

A 70x60ft cavern. The floor and walls are covered in slippery moss, aromatic flowers and vines hang from the wet ceiling. 3d6 skeletal pumas stand guard around a tall throne upon which the skeleton of a gnome dressed in tattered robes and covered in thorned vines that coil about it. The skeleton holds a tall staff made of white wood. The staff is able to take control of the bones of 5d6 animals including the pumas that guard the the corpse.

L24.41 Cursewing

Cursewing - wing of the accursed azure butterflies native to the lower Grainseas. When used as a reagent alongside one of a creature's own ribs, a forbidden spell used to conjure a single wing that grants swift flight for a period of time. The use of the spell makes one extremely susceptible to the corruption of scintrose. The Bright-Winged Battalion of the corrupt city Whain-Consumed is said to have mastered the use of the Cursewing, and few dare to step near their lands save the Sentinels of the Eternal Crusade who stand vigil at the Darkcleft Valley, staff and shield in hand...

D24.40 Baths of Diamond Dust

A 50x60ft opulent room. The floors are of tiled gold, walls with blind arches of bismuth bronze, and arched ceilings of mirrored steel. Along the room stretches a 20x40ft pool filled to the brim with scintillating diamond dust. The dust is enchanted with a curse of burning making all things except for gold, bismuth bronze and mirrored steel erupt in blue flames when in contact.

L24.40 Broomshards

 Shards of the Anthrereiter Phulmina, a legendary witch of ancient times who tamed the Bright Serpent Suranavis during a ten-day battle in the Canyon of Clouds called the Duel of Storms. Said to be the master of the Eleven Magicks, she enchanted a broom made from the fallen twigs of the Qeleres which bestowed her mastery over the Lower Anthre where she flew among the Scentfleeced. One tome penned by her remains in the archives of Librareiter Ghanwhol the Rooted, who was said to have been gifted the manuscript from the witch herself thousands of years ago. The tome, named on Qelerick Conduction, was copied by Scholar Andrun who stayed in Ghanwhol's library for 20 years, and thereafter brought it to the Guild-Library of Xhuvanaea - his alma mater. It was through the learnings of the tome that the darkshining shards of Phulmina's broom were discovered...

D24.39 Sculptor 's Workshop

A workshop in the ruined Cliffhelde Township, 50x75ft in size. The workbenches are all shattered and moved up against the dark plastered walls to make way for a masterwork large alabaster sculpture of a bull surrounded by clouds of dust sculpted in the same material. Numerous bones surround it. It's eyes are set with enchanted rubies. Upon looking into it's eyes, creatures are assailed by an illusion of a fierce bull charging at the the creature, which may severely damage them mentally.

L24.39 The Threaded

People of the Barren Qeleres, of gray complexion, and eyes of black sclera and glowing pupils. Their flesh are of strange spun threads, and they practice the art of weaving, composing threads from the depths of the Qeleres into all manner of limbs used to replace their own with. 

D24.38 Steel Lizard Tentage

A 60ft x 100ft tent of iron chained fabric planted upon a quartz floor. The interior is occupied by 2d6 undead lizardmen with scales of steel. They juggle 4 enchanted scimitars which allow them to attack four times up to 20ft in distance. They are vulnerable to lightning. They will attack any creature that enters the tent on sight. They guard 2d6 locked and trapped iron chests containing gold, potions and a magic item each.

L24.38 Lodespring

 An extremely rare sprig of natural unspun Lodethread of the Qeleres sought after by many who desire power. Yet in absolute defiance of the will of those who seek it, the Lodesprig appears at whim, sometimes escaping notice for thousands of years. Every century it grows but an inch, until it gains a host who harvests it from the bark. Thereafter it binds to bone and flesh becoming part of its owner and bestowing the owner great powers proportional to it its growth until it returns to the stomatic depths to emerge yet again... 

D24.37 Louslain Hollow

A 200ft x 500ft cavern of panguite stone hollowed by the body of a colossal louse which used to be encased within it. Remains of its organs form fossilised 2d6 structures that are inhabited by aggressive troglodytes wearing arms and armor forged from the blue copper from it's blood, in numbers of 2d6 for each structure. 

L24.37 Featherstrummers

A respected class of formidable travelling musicians who wander the Qeleres to make their name. Featherstrummers may all be of different origins but they share a proficiency in the use of instruments that produce sound via feathers of the Steel Condor, a rare colossal bird that flies in the Anthre and nests upon cloud mountains. By song they are able to momentarily levitate and travel quickly across land and water and incapacitate their Foes with sonic might.

D24.36 Soundsoup Altar

A 60x60ft demiplane accessible from a portal in Craagveald. The floors, walls and ceiling are of arcane meteoric wood that burns all evil aligned creatures. At the far end of the plane is a colossal wooden fish instrument shaped like a trout with its mouth open. A large basin of darker colored wood is placed below its mouth. Upon striking it with another wooden object, it makes a deep sound and releases invisible liquid into the basin equivalent to 1d4 potions in volume. Drinking it negates any sonic damage within 30ft of the creatures and disables any evil spell requiring sound to cast. 

L24.36 Troupe of the Mirrored Grainhorse

A group of mysterious musical performers who travel on groups of ten across the Qeleres. Said to spread the songs of the fabled Grainhorse, a mythical creature that wads the depths of the Grainsea, their services are occasionally employed by wealthy leaders of regions as part of ritual offering or to stave off the effects of bad omens.

D24.35 Bath of Stone Emus

A 400x200ft room. The floor is of basalt hexagonal tiles. The walls are of blind arches of similar stone. Stretching across the floor are pools of warm water from which 5d4 statues of emus of various sizes emerge, spewing water from their mouths. Deep in their stone throats are Marbles of Flowshifting that are able to spray harmless jets of liquid when there is a source of water nearby. Deep in the pool are 2d6 slumbering water salamanders that may attack when awoken

L24.35 Colossal mosscrab

A crab formed from formless. Pink moss from the unlit swamps of the region Fealthear are predatory plants that feed on vermin and various fungi. When it reaches a certain size it shapes itself into large pink clutches of translucent eggs that hatch into towering crabs that span a few hundred yards. The crabs bodies lack flesh and are inflated by some manner of ethereal matter, but the claws are formed of hardened pink amber that are prized by tincturers in the region

D24.34 Left Sabaton of Khumin

A cube area 300ft on all sides, part of the colossal statue of Khumin, the Second Lord of Craagveald, sculptued from the ore of bismuth and chalcedony.  It is currently inhabited by 2d6 giant serpents that lurk under the articulation of the the statue's sabatons which emerge from the deep waters beneath. It is constantly raining in the area.

L24.34 Webwoven Compass

 A compass crafted of dark Lodethread, guiding always towards the Outer Darkness, away from the blazing grainseas. Forged from the bellies of darkfire-forging arachnens bearing torsos of men and the abdomen of spiders who live deep in the dark recesses within the Qeleres and revered as the sacred craftsmen of Qeleres who shape her lifeblood into her holy tools.

D24.33 Veinhold Cell

 A 30ft x 30ft room. Limestone walls and a stone floor tinged in red. Upon stepping on the floor, root-like plants will attempt to latch onto the creature stepping upon it. If it comes onto contact with organic flesh, it will attempt to enter the blood vessels and attempt to paralyze the creature. On success, the root-like plant will drain health from the creature every second. 

L24.33 Samingoes

 Samingoes are strange, partially invisible flightless birds capable of levitation. They are able to condense pollen from the Anthre, forming small clouds on which they step on to fly. They are said to live centuries long and are solitary creatures. One Samingo named Luthromec was said to have been tamed by Sage Queen Jhevalurwen, founder of the Empire of Larks during the early days of civilisation upon the Firm Qeleres.

D24.32 Harangaram's Cliff

A 300ft x 500ft chasm. A crudely hewn xenotime platform reaches halfway across the length of the chasm at the end of which is the petrified body of a colossal 3 eyed serpent, Harangaram of Lilting Truths whose body reaches to the abyss, and stonebound three eyed head visible from the platform. Upon 3 casts of greater restoration, he is released from his petrifaction and will offer lyrical riddled explanations of lore and identification of unknown objects shown to him, in exchange for gems or masterwork food. When attacked he will fight back using sonic breaths and will turn invisible. His gall offers the ability to become cognizant of one objective truth regarding a studied object once per day.

L24.32 Glassgrove Region

A desert region composed of powdered white glass. It is home to the unique glassgrown plants that bear fruit of glass that are used as containers for liquid across the many civilisation's across the Qeleres. Most prominent among Glassgrove polities is the Qilnsland Merchant Republic, home to the largest Leafsail Fleet in the Firm Qeleres.

D24.31 Headlane Street

A 40ft wide 800ft long flagstone street beset by various abandoned shops and residences. Upon entry to a building roll 1d6: 1: 5d6 animated hammers attack visitors controlled by an undead spellthief 2: A shop containing 1d6 coffers protected by physical traps 3: A tavern containing 1d6 stone barrels of antique alcohol 4: 2d6 dwarf skeletons in full plate ambush visitors 5: A large chasm opens up upon entry 6: An abandoned adventurers camp with supplies

L24.31 Qrisz

Qrisz - Mirrorblade wielding minions of Qexsygh, Vizier of the Profaned City of Mirrors. Like their master, they have a disc-lile reflective monooptic compound eye as a head. Their eyes are able to telekinetically apply forces as invisible rays, which can only be reflected with mirrors which are twisted by their own mirrorblades on their strange style of swordplay. Qrisz protecting key areas of the Profaned City of Mirrors don a strange frog-headed helmet forged of an alloy of mirrorsteel and Bramber, which greatly enhances their control over forcesight.