
L24.291 Caravan of Lore Unsought

A caravan of booksellers that travel across the Spoke collecting tomes of lore that are not particularly sought after - such as trivial painting folios of nonexistent flowers, compediums of whimsical tales and recipe books for foods that contain non-existent ingredients. Despite the apparent uselessness of these collections, the caravan grows gradually and odd collectors may sometimes trade for these tomes - providing them the means of continuing their journey.

D24.290 Dustforge

A windy forging chamber 90ft in diameter filled with dense turbulent hot dust. Those unable to resist heat may suffer, and those without sufficient breathing protection may find it difficult to breathe. At the centre of the chamber lies a strange forge made of compressed clouds of ember where the Wind Elemental Dhimona forges numerous weapons made from dust, clouds and other particulate matter that can be carried by wind. Due to her addiction to forging, she will not ask for any payment as long as one brings the relevant forging material, after which she may take at least 2 weeks to forge a random item which can be a tool, weapon, armor or other miscellaneous objects. All her crafts have the dustform property, allowing their users to disperse them into dust and back into form again at will. Should one be adept at transmutation or wind magic, one may be able to control the dustform item in more elaborate ways. All crafts are masterwork, but she will ignore any special requests or demand

L24.290 Silver Rays

Also known as Divine Aid by the resplendents, Silver Rays are helical rays of Bright occasionally found deep within Qeleres. Silver Rays share all the properties of Bright found on the surface of the Qeleres, but does not spread like its surface located counterparts. Due to their existence, one may find offshoots or lesser forts of Resplendents within the underbark, and there are no shortage of quests given to adventurers to attempt to remove them from these resplendent clusters.

D24.289 Pasture of Blades

A rolling pasture 400x300ft in size bathed in magical darkness that emanates from an orb of swirling black Ether Ice.  The pasture is completely covered in overgrown Bladed Grass that cuts through flesh and hide with ease, and may leave unsightly scratches on metal objects. It is also extremely supple, and moving through it too quickly may cause the grass to rebound and strongly cut at the moving entity. Bladed Grass can only be harvested by weapons enchanted with fire or acid, and may be able to be reforged into various weapons and armor. The pasture is also home to the Black Dragon Arndon, who feeds on bladed Grass alongside her 20 baby dragons. Her main priority is to protect her children and will not seek to harm anyone unless they threaten them.

L24.289 Three Pointed Hat

A strange hat worn by the nuns of the Order of the Branched Sword, a sect of the Shaded Faith. It bears the appearance of a broad rimmed hat that bears three points fitted with metal tips which differ in type to differentiate different ranked nuns. These nuns often operate in groups of three and aid in various rescue and defense efforts at resplendent frontlines - though have an oath to defend and never attack despite their lack of defensive tools.

D24.288 Hall of Brittle Tiles

A strange hallway 90x40ft in size finished with numerous brown ceramic tiles. At the far end of the hallway is an elaborately decorated blind portal with a pedestal upon which floats a blue orb that crackles with unusual lightning energy that emanates an aura of earth. As one treads deeper into the hallway, the ceramic tiles begin to break into tiny pieces that will begin to gather around creatures' bodies, slowly slowing them down as it is unusually heavy and dense. Those who are not strong enough to resist the weight of the tiles will be incapacitated and may potentially suffocate due to the difficulty of breathing. Should one overcome this ordeal one may attempt to claim the Orb of Earthen Charge, which bestows one the forbidden power of enacting magnetism upon all matter. Harnessing this power outside this hall may cause one to be constantly hunted by various extraplanar beings due to its potential to allow it's user to gradually gain divinity.

L24.288 Red Palm Garland

A garland made from young stalks of Red Palm flowers. Donned by the entomancer-pulgilists who specialise in the unique arts of harnessing physical prowess from the gathering of numerous insects, depending on the insects they keep they can be very dangerous to even the most skilled of fighters.